Monday, June 30, 2008

Herding Cats?

Being a parent of 3 kids under 6 is exactly like trying to herd cats. Except maybe a little more frustrating. And a little less furry. And a lot more rewarding.

Declan's on the move!! He started crawling a little over a week ago - at least a month earlier than Nola and Aubry. He's quickly getting mad skills in the crawling department. Today, he nearly choked to death today on Polly Pocket's skateboarding shorts when he made a break for the dollhouse while we weren't looking. Good thing Greg noticed him chewing and I remembered the mouth sweep move from infant CPR. Scary!

Needless to say, we had a big pow-wow regarding his ongoing safety in the land of teeny tiny girl toy accessories. The plan is to put up a gate to the doorway to his room and create a safe haven for him in there. Since the room is next to the kitchen, it should be fine until Nola climbs over the gate, or Aubry rips it down. Time will tell.....

BTW - Declan also decided to learn how to push himself back up to sitting AND how to pull up to standing this week as well. HELP!!