Monday, March 2, 2009

March comes in like a lion.....

Last night we had our first real snowstorm of the year. It was so bad that the school district canceled school before I even went to bed! They do this auto-dial thingy where your phone usually rings at 5:50 AM to announce that school is canceled or delayed. I was grateful to get the call at 9:30 PM instead!

Anyway, we woke to a storm in progress and were just now able to go outside to shovel out the sidewalks and driveway. It's really cold, so we didn't stay out long - just enough time to shovel, make some snow angels and eat really clean snow. Then it was inside for freshly baked brownies!

catching snowflakes on her tongue

making snow angels in the driveway

nola liked doing a downward dog to lick the snow