Sunday, August 3, 2008

Manly Achievements

Holy Moly!!! The men of this family are rockin' today! First, Greg went up to Bath to do the Patriot's Half Iron Lite Triathlon. He finished in about 3:50 - we're soooo proud of him.

This photo was taken earlier this summer at the Philly Olympic Distance Triathlon. Greg and Mike did that one together. We were actually sleeping when Greg left the house this morning (at 4:30!!!!), so we didn't get to see him participate.

Hey, Mike.....what did YOU do today?!? :)

Next, Declan stood all by himself for about 2.5 seconds! He was chewing on my phone and forgot to hold on. He even repeated the process when Nola and I tried setting him up for success a few minutes later. This photo is one that we staged moments after the big event. Declan wasn't into a repeat performance for the camera, but he sure was CUTE! Thanks for the help, Nola!

1 comment:

Mike Burke said...

I thought it only appropriate to consume Mimosas and Bloody Marys during the entire time of Greg's impressive race, and then attempt to stand on my own longer than Declan. I succeeded in one of those...