Monday, December 22, 2008

How did I get so laid back about Christmas this year?

I must say that this has been the least stressful holiday season I have ever experienced as an adult. Maybe it's because I'm older, maybe because we've decided not to go overboard with the presents, or maybe just because I've chosen to ignore many of the holiday preparations that agitated me in the past. (Like getting your cards out in time to reach you before the holiday - oh well!)

For instance, today I was planning on finishing up my holiday food shopping. I went to Trader Joe's early hoping to avoid the massive crowds that have been swarming the region as Christmas grows nearer. It actually WORKED - I was in and out (with a detailed list) in a half hour. Yippee!

Next, the plan was to hit the Wine & Spirits store for wine and, well, spirits. Not so lucky. It was 11 am and there was nary a parking spot to be had. Instead of getting frustrated, I opted to drive right on by and head to my third spot, The Head Nut. The Head Nut is a fantastic coffee/nut roaster that is packed with all sorts of spices, baking goods, teas, candies, ice cream and a coffee bar. This is one of my favorite places to go around here. Local and YUMMY.

Anyway, seems like many others had the same idea as me. I snagged the last spot in the lot and headed inside. Big mistake. You see, at the Head Nut, you have to choose what you want from the myriad of options, bring it to the front counter and have the 3 clerks measure/weigh it and price it. That is, unless you want coffee as well. In that case, the clerk has to leave the counter, make his/her way back into the depths of the store to measure, weigh, grind and bag your beans before returning to the counter to ring you up. On a regular day, this takes forever. Today the line snaked almost out to the exit. I replaced my tub of holiday sprinkles and beat a hasty retreat.

Why do I mention all this? Because it didn't bother me at all! Have no idea why, but the Christmas Spirit has mellowed me out this year. Hassles and mishaps seem to be rolling off my back like water off a duck. Keep it coming, St. Nick!


Greg said...

that's great, hon. now where's friggin coffee??? Kidding...KIDDING!!!

Jennie said...

ME TOO! Love it! And yeah, would be nice! SMOOCHES!