Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Month of Love

OK. Here's the reality here in Herding Cats land. My camera is holding all my recent photos hostage. Seriously. Have no idea why I can't get them onto the computer, and neither does Greg. No photos, then.

However, I do need to tell all 3 of you who read this blog that February is officially the Month of Love in the Dowd house (at least in my mind. Greg mocks me.). What does that mean? Well, for Jennie over at the Squeaky Wheel, it means that there's a lot of great cooking and kind words. For me, the month of love means...GET THE CRAP OUT OF THE MASTER BEDROOM!!!!

If I had a photo of my bedroom right now, you would be scared. Truly. No one in his or her right mind would sleep in this room. There are piles of kid clothes waiting to be sorted and donated/sold, piles of almost filed papers, and other piles of who knows what. You see, I made all these piles in JANUARY thinking that I'd blow through the sorting in time for February 1 (the kick-off day of the Month of Love). Apparently I forgot that I had 3 kids under 6.

I am now praying for a miracle. Valentine's Day is Saturday, and I'd like to give Greg the gift of a clean bedroom. Will it happen? I hope so. I just have to take care of the kids, teach an art lesson to the kindergartners, organize the preschool's 100 day celebration, take the kids to their activities and keep the rest of the house in some semblance of order. Cross your fingers for me!


Greg said...

just to clarify...i don't mock the concept of "The Month of Love". That's ok. What I mock is you running around the house all the time shouting "IT'S THE MONTH OF LOVE!!! IT'S THE MONTH OF LOVE!!", particularly at times when all hell is breaking loose!

Jennie said...

This will be a very easy task. You and Gregor deserve a place of solace...all you need is a day and a coffee, and a babysitter, or a pile of movies. I recommend the "Little Mammoth" series. Let me know if I can come help you!!! Also, HAPPY MONTH OF LOVE!!!!!

Jennie said...

Also to Greg...don't worry about The Month Of Love. March is on the way...the month of Bitter Hatred and Disappointment!

Diana Kenney said...

LOL..This is hysterical....Been waiting for the next installment of herding cats...I can just see you Kel...running through the house yelling, "It's the Month of Love!"

There's still time to truly make this the "MOL"! YOU CAN DO IT!