Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Field Trip Wednesday

Been a looooong time since I posted on the blog. Things have been BUSY, but I'm not even going to try to catch up. Let's just move forward with things.

In our new homeschooling schedule, we've set aside Wednesday as our field trip day. Today we were going to go to the zoo (again) since it has been really nice here for the middle of November. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and it has been drizzly and yucky all day.

Plan #2 - go to the DaVinci Science Center. Unfortunately, the kids were slow as molasses this morning, so we didn't get out in time to drive to the museum, see the exhibits, eat lunch, and drive home in time for naps. Scrap that idea.

Plan #3 - go to Hendricks Farm and check out the pastured beef, pork, chicken, turkeys, cheese and raw milk. I've been learning more about traditional nutrition vs. modern eating and am interested in bringing in healthier dairy/meat choices to our home. Enter raw milk and pastured meats.

The farm itself was less than hopping today. We saw only the chickens and a very friendly turkey. I bought raw milk, a whole chicken and a dozen eggs for around $25. Not cheap, but at least there's nothing funky or industrialized in the products! I asked the store clerk if the farmers give tours - they do, but in the afternoons after they homeschool their children. We'll go back for that experience for sure.

When we got home, we had a taste test on the raw milk. Aubry and Declan loooooved it - smacking their lips loved it. Nola didn't care for it to drink, but she doesn't drink regular milk either. She thinks that she'll like it on cereal though. Greg said the milk tasted creamier and a little different flavor wise - like there was a layer on top (probably the cream). I haven't tasted it yet - I don't drink milk plain so it'll have to wait until I need it for coffee or cereal.

All it all it was a bust of a day for an actual field trip, but our diets may thank us in the long run!

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