Thursday, September 25, 2008

An apple a day...

Last weekend we all went apple picking at Strawberry Acres. This outing has been an annual one ever since we moved here to PA. The place we usually go is out near my parents - it's much less crowded than the orchards closer to home. Strawberry Acres also has the added attraction of having a petting zoo and a lunch counter.

Anyway, we went there on Sunday to pick apples. The kids loved it (of course). Nola was especially interested since her kindergarten class is doing a year long study of trees (FOSS kit, anyone?). We took pictures of each type of apple tree and collected a leaf from each for Nola to share with her classmates. It was fun for me to talk to her about the apples/trees/leaves and have her observe them for similarities and differences. I love kindergartners!

The trip's timing was planned specifically for Aubry. Her preschool class studied apples this week and she had to bring in an apple to share. We figured it would be cool for her to have picked her own apple at the orchard.

waiting for the "convertable" school bus to take us to the apples.

on the bus - look mom, no roof OR seatbelts!

who doesn't love picking apples?

yum-fresh off the tree!

The girls had a great time picking lots and lots of apples from the trees. They bit into most of them. And then chucked them onto the ground. Or put them back into the box to be found days later, rotting away (yuck). We spent $30 on apples - want some?

you're looking at $37 worth of produce - most of it apples!

having a bit of a car picnic before heading off to aunt stacey's to pick up 200 bricks.

Oh, I forgot the best part of the trip! My FAVORITE part of this whole thing was when Nola got carsick all over herself and the car less than 2 minutes away from the orchard. That was quite a cleanup. Thankfully, I packed a change of clothes for AUBRY and Nola was able to squeeze herself into them (Nola wears a 6. The clothes were size 4T.) Ahh... parenting!


Diana Kenney said...

So nice to hear that you learned from the great Aubry explosion of '06 to pack extra clothes! :)

Great photos...miss you guys!

Jennie said...

Would you look at that beautiful family??? Even covered in barf, the Dowds are deelicious! Can't wait to see you guys!!! SMOOCHES!