Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Remember when you were a kid and you could call a do-over if you messed something up? Well, I officially call a do-over on Aubry's first day of school. As you may remember, I was a terrible mommy last week and forgot to take her to class on her first day. Let's forget all about that mistake and start anew.

look, i go here now!

TODAY WAS AUBRY'S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!! Isn't that exciting? We were all counting down the days until she could march into St. Faith and meet her new teacher, Mr. Steve. She already knew him from last year when he would often dismiss Nola at the end of the day. We knew she'd have him as a teacher in the Mom's Morning Out program this year, so we spent some time chatting him up last year. Also helpful was the fact that his kids go to Nola's school and we've seen him around town for the past few weeks.
getting ready to leave (nola's helping)

As a result, Aubry was very excited to go today. She loves her new backpack with the special monkey patch on the back (Nola picked out patches for both of them) and has been wearing it around the house for the past week. Today she put it on, velcroed up her mary janes, and was practically out the door before breakfast. I still was anticipating separation issues since Aubry is notoriously emotional and has never been away from us before.

aubry loves her purple backpack!

I should have known better. She had NO PROBLEMS at all!! She happily said "bye mom!" once she got in the Blue Room and climbed on the spring loaded rocking horse. She had a great day and is looking forward to going back in the morning. I love you and your adventurous spirit Aubry Ruth!!!!

mr. steve and aubry at the end of the day


Diana Kenney said...

Dear Miss Aubry,
I'm so happy to see you made it to pre-school. You look so happy. I love the backpack! Purple is my favorite color too. Is that a barrette in your hair? I can't believe how long it is already!
Please give your brother a "gentle" kiss for me. Give Nola a big girl hug.
I miss you! I plan on coming to your house again at the end of January if that's okay with mom and dad.Will you ask them for me?

Big hug and kiss,
Auntie Diana

Jennie said...

Kelly! Great minds think alike! I forgot Holly Jean's first day of art class...DO OVER!!! Love it! I think I'll give myself a few do-overs each day!!! SMOOCHES!!! MISS YOU!!!