Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Few Milestones

Before I forget, I need to get down some milestones the kids have passed over the past few weeks.

She can tie her shoes! We've been trying to teach her the rabbit ears method for a few months now (at her insistence), but she had been unsuccessful every time she tried. All of a sudden last week she wanted to wear her sneakers and sat down to tie them herself. To my utter disbelief, she tied both shoes in double knots within a few minutes!!!! It's amazing how proud you can be of your child when she shows determination and perseverance and finally succeed.

She can whistle (pretty much)! Again, she's been trying to learn how to whistle off and on all summer. Up until recently, she managed to practice only the skills necessary for blowing out birthday candles. About 3 days ago, she came running up to us staying "I'm whistlin'!". Lo and behold, she was!! She's so proud of herself and we are too.

He's cruising up a storm wherever furniture allows. It won't be long before he's brave enough to let go and go it alone. He already can stand independently for quite a long time. He's also able to transfer from one piece of furniture to another with ease.

Also, today he climbed up an entire flight of stairs for the first time. We were at my sister's house and Declan decided to follow Aubry and the cat upstairs. To my surprise, he SPED up the stairs without any hesitation at all. Go Declan!!!
Go Declan!

1 comment:

Cindy's Hub said...

Hi Kelly, I love the updates.
Diana and Patrick have booked their flight. John and I have been talking about it this week. We might need to pass the January trip. I don't think you need 4 adults at your house while still having to work, kids going to school...
John and I were thinking of NY in March, so maybe we can visit then.
My love to the kids,