Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's a zoo around here

Today we took the troops to the Philly Zoo for the first time this summer. It was a lot of fun and we felt like we were traveling light for the first time ever. Just the Kelty and the detachable bag it came with.
look closely and you'll see all 3 kids

Aubry's potty training these days and we decided to take her to the zoo without diaper or pullup. Needless to say, we went through both changes of shorts/panties and had MANY stops in the restrooms. Oh, and there was also the wonderful time in the toilet stall where she had a massive tantrum about not wanting to sit on the potty because she thought it would flush her down. (It was very helpful when a random mommy in another stall suggested that I cover the sensor with some toilet paper. We used Aubry's hat, but same difference....) After the flushing trauma, it only took several more minutes of skillful negotiations to get her to sit on the seat and do her business. Ahhhh, parenting.

aubry liked the peacock - maybe a little too much

hi, i'm a farmer!

feeding the goats is always a bit, er HIT.

Declan missed his morning nap, but didn't seem to mind too much. I think he's fine with pretty much anything as long as someone is holding him!

sooo sleepy...

1 comment:

Diana Kenney said...

You guys are so cute! I can't imagine Aubrey having a tantrum! (wink) Love to all!