Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Field Trip Wednesday

Today we went to the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philly. The kids have been asking to see the dinosaurs, so off we went. I realized quickly after missing the turn to the museum exit that I NEED A GPS OR AN IPHONE, stat! Added about a half hour to our trip time - aargh!

We met our friends Terri, Zach and Max in the lobby and set off for the dinosaur dig. Everyone had a great time with the safety goggles and metal scrapers. We all found bones, but no one managed to get any out of the dig site. Better luck next time! The kids also enjoyed running on the dinosaur treadmill, climbing in a t-rex scull, and walking like dinosaurs.

I made Nola check out the authentic Egyptian mummy on display. She has been a bit scared of mummies ever since we studied them in history. Maybe seeing the blackened, mummified corpse cured her? (or not...)

Turns out both Nola and Aubry are afraid of butterflies - BUTTERFLIES!!! The museum has this wonderful butterfly exhibit where they fly around freely in a natural setting. Sometimes the butterflies even land on you! After Nola and Aubry heard this choice bit of information they could not get out of that room fast enough. Declan, on the other hand, flung his hand out toward the butterflies and yelled "land on you, land on you!".

We had a great time today. Looking forward to another field trip next week!

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