Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How I get my kids to eat greens

My kids eat lots and lots of healthy stuff. More than most kids. Fruits, veggies, grains, meat - even new stuff. HOWEVER, they do not like greens. Of any kind. Except romaine lettuce with more croutons than lettuce.

Enter the green smoothie. I had never heard of such a thing until about a week ago when one of the real food blogs I follow posted a recipe for one. It's simple enough - just blend up a carload of greens, add some fruit, water and maybe a milk product and then hope for the best. So I did. Let me tell you that a green smoothie is really, really GREEN. Like slime green. It doesn't taste like greens, though, and that's the most important part.

Turns out that my kids will not only drink the green smoothie, but they DEMAND it! Each and every time they down a 4 oz. glass I estimate that they are getting 1 cup of raw greens, plus a serving of fruit and cultured dairy. Score!

Green Smoothie Recipe
5-6 cups Trader Joe's Southern Greens mix (pre-washed, pre-cut. easy peasy!)
water so that the greens start to blend
plain keifer - about 1/2 - 1 cup
1 large banana
1 cup or so frozen pineapple chunks

Put the greens and a bit of water in the blender and let it go until it's smooth. I have to poke my greens down and mess around a bit with it to get it to blend. Then add the rest of the fruit and dairy. Blend until smooth. Serve to your peeps and keep those fingers crossed!

1 comment:

A said...

Is it weird that I've ALWAYS loved greens?
